



Release version 2.0.1 (2012.01)

Modified to iPhone/iPad universal application

Localized to Japanese mode

The number of registration of training letters and strings you wont is unlimited

Adjustable the length of dot and dash by each letter

The number of delay letter for real-time display can be changed

The number of backed letter when it’s continued can be changed

Improved sound algorithm

Selectable the to sleep mode during sending

New codes are registered

American morse code(RailRoad morse) is sounded

Release version 1.1 (2011.07)

    Fixed the textView frame size during your edit

    Fixed display problem of the MainTextView(letter width)

    Added the free text template(English 850 words)

Release version 1.0 (2011.07)

    Usable morse code:

                                WABUN morse code(Japanese)

                                CONTINENTAL morse code

                                    Usable letter list is here

    Changing Sound Parameters:

                                Speed(5WPM to 40WPM), Frequency(100Hz to 2500Hz), Volume

                                Sound wave form(Sine wave,Rectangle,Triangle,SawTooth, White Noise)

                                Code length(Dot,Dash,Character space, Word space)

                                Attack form and Release form of sound


                                Generate training letters by define strings or from letters you define.

                                the number of the defines is 20 respectively.

                                Shuffle by space delimiter

                                Translate letter to morse code

                                Changing Display mode during sending

                                    (real time sending letter display, code display, no display)

                                shorten number code

                                    ex)    <1> means .-        <9> means -.

                                Continuos code using <>

                                     ex)    <BT> means -...-    <AR> means .-.-.

Before using:

            Please install two japanese keyboards(Romaji and Ten Key) for input japanese.

                Settings - General - Keyboard - International Keyboards

1.Send codes direct input

2.Send word codes of WABUN morse code

3.Send word codes of CONTINENTAL morse code

    Select [Continental code] at Step3 of Manual 2

4.Send stored string

5.Change sound parameters

6.Change code set for word codes

7.Change stored string


9.Usable Letters and codes